Cheat 16: Know Your Superpower!

Cheat 16: Know Your Superpower! 

Heres another thing I learned from entering the the business world at a ridiculously young age: no matter who you are or what you do in life, you have a superpower—and by that I mean something you do far better than most people. If you’re not using it, you’re crazy.

If I ever interview you for a job, expect me to ask: “What’s your superpower?”

Here’s mine: I’m really good at getting people excited about stuff. That’s my job, and I love it. Or: I love it, and that’s my job. Both are equally true.

I can sit in front of you and make you excited about whatever— just by how I describe it and how I feel. It’s contagious, and you’ll just go, “Wow! That is so cool!”

I do it even when I don’t need to. Can’t help it. That’s just me. And that’s how I know it’s my superpower.

So what’s yours?

You probably already know what it is. If you’re hesitating, it’s probably just because we live in an era of fake humility and you don’t want to look arrogant. But confident people aren’t arrogant. They don’t need to be.

Don’t be afraid to know your superpower and name it. No body will mind. We’re all looking for all the help we can get.

I learned my first superpower from my mother, when I was a kid playing hockey. My mom took me to practice, stuck around and watched, and helped me see my strengths and weaknesses. She taught me to hone my strengths into veritable superpowers, and how to play away from my weaknesses.

In the early years, I could compete with almost anybody, but then all the guys started getting big and muscular, and I stayed average in size. 


This excerpt has been truncated and is just a portion of the full chapter. To read the rest of Know Your Superpower and to unlock all 71 cheat codes order The Cheat Code book here!